Heydrich by Jan Gerdi Wiener
Jan Wiener was related to Gertrud and came to Windsor in the mid 1960’s with his wife Zusanna and later by his two sons (who also attended). If you were lucky enough to sign up for European History, you were treated to a teacher who experienced WWII first hand from the Czech prospective, as well the other countries he found himself in while escaping Nazi camps on several occasions. Each morning before sunrise you could find him leading an exercise class or on weekends hiking or cross-country skiing mountains such as Greylock. He was to the end a battle ready and clear as to his convections. In 1969 he wrote about his experience as a member of a support team to assassinate one of Hitler’s most fear and evil generals call The Assassination of Heydrich: Hitler’s Hangman and the Czech Resistance (click here to purchase from Amazon). A movie in 2015 called Anthropoid was released based on this and other books about this near failed attempt (also available on Netflix and Amazon).
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